Welsh Prat Banned (Again) And Jailed

Mark Griffiths is one of that special breed of man. Specifically, he looks like a man, but is actually pond life slime.

According to this article in Wales Online, his achievements amount to the following:

  • ploughed into another car leaving four people needing hospital treatment
  • 15 previous court appearances for 62 other offences
  • 14 convictions for driving while banned
  • leaving the scene of an accident (with wheel spin)
  • failing to report an accident
  • skidmarks 10m long
  • lying to police about being involved
  • aggravated vehicle taking
  • driving without a licence/while disqualified
  • driving without insurance
  • driving under the influence of alcohol

But hey! His defence lawyer, Laurence Jones, said he had shown “genuine remorse”. Fortunately, the Recorder (or Magistrate) knew that this was complete bullshit, saying:

You are a menace to road users. You cannot or will not learn from the sentences the court has imposed on you in the past.

Rarely, if ever, have I seen a motoring record that compares to yours. It is appalling. I regret the powers I have are so limited.

He was jailed for 16 months (so he’ll be out just after Christmas, probably) and banned for 3 years.

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