National Express Driver “Reacted Quickly”

This story on the BBC is interesting. A National Express bus crashed into, and killed, a pedestrian – it was doing 62mph in a 50mph zone.

Just to clarify that: it was doing a measured 12mph over the speed limit. Or in other words, the speedo in the cab was likely to be showing closer to 70mph.

When I’m on the motorway driving at the speed limit I am frequently overtaken by National Express coaches. They often pass at quite considerable relative speed. I very rarely overtake one myself. A bit like Audis, really.

I half-jokingly warn my pupils to be careful around them because they’re “Exocet missiles with custom body jobs”.

A passenger on the bus said that the driver “reacted quickly”. I can’t see how this is going to cancel out that thing about driving over the speed limit.

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