An Alcopal Update

I received an email via the contact form this morning from a guy in Bromley (his IP address comes up as Brierley Hill, so I assume it must be the Bromley in the West Midlands). He identifies himself as “Amused from Bromley”.

Just to remind people that the guy selling Alcopal is from the West Midlands, too, but that must just be a huge coincidence, and there is no connection whatsoever.

Anyway, he says:

Are you or this website trying to be satirical? If so it is only mildly funny but if not it has become amazingly hilarious!!! I have read some of your pages and sorry but you are such a bigot. Why don’t you try to write a “piece” that doesn’t involve insults? Any fool can say “Dickheads” and “chavs” as a way of demonstrating how upset you feel. Maybe if you look through a dictionary you may find some alternative words to use rather than searching the internet for other news stories that clearly contradict what you are stating as fact. Some serious research involves getting up from the desk and walking/driving to the local library and looking through some books, periodicals and newspapers (think of the tabloids as sensationalist’s not serious news!).

By the way the “reports” do lighten my day so please do not take this too seriously as we all have a right to comment.

Yours very amused.

Just to clarify what I said in my About page, this is MY blog, and I write in it what I want to write about. I don’t do group hugs (or the equivalent in blog form) and write about stuff I just agree with (maybe except under music and technology). I comment on things I have an opinion on. And I write it in my OWN style. So I’m not “trying” to be anything, and if you don’t like it, don’t read it.

Let’s just remind ourselves what the purveyors of Alcopal – and those who want to buy it – are trying to do.

  • drink and drive
  • admit to being pulled for drink driving before
  • want to carry on drink driving
  • disguise the fact they’ve been drinking so that the police can’t prosecute
  • ignore at least one source which mentions the dangers of the active ingredients – which include possible birth defects

The dictionary definition of “bigot” comes up as:

– a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race

Well, the number of positive messages I get far outweighs the total of THREE I have ever received which have been critical, so my views (and there are nearly 3,000 of them so far) are at least shared by a lot of others. But let’s play along with this, and ignore the fact that just creating a blog or having an opinion on various things doesn’t in itself turn someone into a bigot (although lesser intellects reading said blog might easily convince themselves otherwise, especially if they don’t understand that definition properly), it would be fair to say that someone who is completely in favour of Alcopal and what it sets out to achieve is as much of a bigot as someone who – like myself – doesn’t see it quite so favourably.

Given the choice of being the type of bigot who wants to drink and drive, mask the fact and possibly kill people as a result, and risk begetting kids with six fingers or who have to pee out of their belly button (without being sure it won’t actually cause that), or the other kind, who is against that type of driver mentality by virtue of his profession… well, I know which one I’d choose every time.

I think it’s still fair to say that someone who really does want to promote Alcopal in any way whatsoever, knowing those facts or possible facts, could reasonably be described as a dickhead. Of course, I’m not naming any individual – Alcopal is, after all, a multi-national product, and can be pushed to the public by anyone who can afford it, just as it can be taken by any member of the public who can afford (and is stupid enough) to buy it at the present time if they so choose.

EDIT 3/9/2012: Some of the comments reacting to a post about Alcopal on another blog typify the mental capacity of the sort of people Alcopal is aimed at. If you told them the earth was flat they’d believe it if they thought there might something in it for them.

I’m surprised that no one yet has come up with any factual data from the labs. This one comes closest so far. However, as far as I know alcohol is absorbed from both the stomach and the intestines, yet they talk only of the stomach. And it repeats the claim that the pills are “herbal” and contain “carbon”. They contain Simethicone – which is less “carbon” than coal, petroleum spirit, or creosote for painting fences.

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