A Premium Guess?

Zoltar SpeaksAnyone who has followed the blog for a while will know what I think about amateur weather forecasters. Last year, their long-range winter “forecast” was about as accurate as betting on black at a roulette table and it coming up red. It was billed as “the worst winter on record” – and they were absolutely and totally incorrect.

Imagine my surprise when I noticed someone find the blog on the search term “exacta weather charging for long range forecast”. It grabbed my interest, and a quick check revealed that it’s absolutely true! They are charging £11 for a three-page long-range report on the forthcoming winter.

It’s good to see these not-for-profit groups – especially ones who simply make wild guesses – staying true to their cause.

I find it hard to believe that anyone could be so stupid as to pay £11 for a stab in the dark. Mind you, people DO go to fortune tellers, so stupidity is clearly just as common as bad weather forecasts.

For anyone who is interested, the forecast for this winter is as follows:

It will be generally colder than the summer, and there will be periods of rain. Some places will see snow, and this could be quite heavy (or it might not be). My records, which go back over 50 years, suggest that winter will be followed by summer again.

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