More Swine Flu Nonsense By The Sun

I didn’t mention that The Sun’s  online story yesterday ( which I commented on here) had the web page  title ‘ All Humanity Is At Risk ‘. Alarmist or what?

Well, today they have another story about a new case and the web page this time is titled ‘ Swine Flu Victims Face Bed Lottery In Pandemic ‘. Erm. It isn’t a pandemic and no one is facing a lottery for beds. But other than that it is totally accurate.

The Sun trumpets:

BRITAIN’S first person-to-person transfer of swine flu has been confirmed today.

NHS worker Graeme Pacitti, 24 – a pal of swine flu couple Iain and Dawn Askham **“ is being treated for the killer bug, the Scottish government said.

If what I heard on the radio today is true – and if it is pitted against The Sun then I’ll lay odds on it being so – they can’t confirm it is swine flu and the doctor they interviewed said the guy had some sniffles and things. Hardly the exploding intestines, erupting volcanoes, and cessation of all life on the planet the likes of The Sun is telling us swine flu gives rise to.

EDIT: OK. It has been confirmed Mr Pacitti has caught it from the two people who brought it back from Mexico. However, on the radio they were interviewing him by telephone and he was just saying how he felt a bit unwell. As I remember it, normal flu lays you out like anything and giving phone interviews is way down your list of capabilities, let alone priorities. The Sun was still guessing at this when it went to print.

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