Coldest Winter EVER. With Knobs On. 2012 Episode

The Daily Mail has lost its primary source of news now that the floods are receding and the rain has moved away. So what can it do next?

Answer: predict the coldest winter for 100 years.

They carefully avoid any direct mention of precisely who it is who is providing this information. Second-rate journos haven’t yet moved into meteorology as a side line as far as I know, so this smacks of the usual suspects providing wild guesses for the Mail’s editors to wet themselves over.

I have recently mentioned Exacta’s annual guess. This one – whoever it is from – is totally different. And we know it isn’t the Met Office, because they stopped doing long range forecasts after getting it totally wrong every time (the Met Office has trouble telling you what the weather is doing right now sometimes).

Also remember that the Mail forecast the same last year and got it totally and utterly wrong – so wrong, it was like calling heads and getting tails.

I love the part in the Mail story about water “blowing upwards”. Big deal. It does that when it’s windy.

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