
Or to give it its full title: Roadcraft: The Police Driver’s Handbook.

Roadcraft - The POLICE DRIVER'S HandbookAnyone who has a copy of this should occasionally turn around and make sure they haven’t let reality slip out of their sight.

Some elements of the book can be useful when teaching, but this is NOT the case most of the time, and definitely NOT for every pupil.

Roadcraft has been jumped on by the “I Am An Advanced Driver” brigade as some sort of bible.

I again refer to its official title as a Police Driver’s handbook. This is clearly written on the cover. Furthermore, the foreword is written by ACPO and the Police Foundation. I don’t really see what else is needed to convince ADIs that this is NOT a learner syllabus.

It was written for the police. Period.

Much of what it contains would be dangerous if an inexperienced person tried to use it. Inexperience means – by definition – that existing underlying skills are undeveloped, whereas Roadcraft assumes that its readers have these necessary skills. It cannot possibly make that assumption correctly of readers outside the realms of the police force.

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