Spare A Thought For Florida

One section in this humorous story from Florida caught my attention:

Florida’s requirement that we drive anywhere we want to go is also why we have so many elderly drivers on the roads doing 25 in a 45 mph zone with one blinker on, even though they can be a danger to every other motorist or jaywalking pedestrian. It also explains a phenomenon I have sometimes heard referred to as “Sudden Elderly Acceleration Syndrome.” (Incidents of SEAS got so bad last year the Postal Service put out a PSA asking Floridians to please stop ramming into their post offices.)

As of last year, Florida had 455 licensed drivers who were 100 or older. Between the ages of 91 and 100, there are 65,000. Maybe perhaps possibly it couuuuuld be that some of these folks shouldn’t be driving anymore—but if you take away their car keys, they will be stranded as surely as if they’d been dropped on an Alaskan ice floe.

And I thought WE had it bad. Can you imagine that? There are 65,000 people who are 91-years old or more driving around!

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