At Last! Someone Tackles Boy Racers

Crushed car cube

This snippet from the Southend Standard is interesting. It says that in an “unprecedented” move, police arrested 80 boy racers for illegal street racing in Thurrock. They are due to appear in court later this month.

It is such a large operation that Basildon Magistrates’ court has been set aside to just deal with this one issue for an entire day!

Although it’s unlikely, one would hope that every one of them is banned from driving, ordered to take an extended retest, and to have their cars crushed. Because let’s face it: this will be a badge of honour for most of them, and as soon as Friday night comes around again they’ll be back out there doing whatever it is they do, for whatever reasons they do it.

I’ve seen them in Nottingham at the Victoria Retail Park. Even late in the evening, when the roads down there are fairly quiet, they would much rather park right on a roundabout and then stand there trying to look cool than go and park somewhere sensible. It’s just so they can be seen (and possibly for some shady sexual reason best known to themselves).

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