Sports Car Driver Kills Two

Darren Jarvis, 42, was allegedly showing off in his sports car (reg. plate WH06 BAD – with a screw in the ‘6’ to make it read “WHOS BAD”) when he lost control at 100mph. He careered into another car and killed two male occupants, both married and each with two children.

Jarvis denies two charges of causing death by dangerous driving. He is claiming he had some sort of seizure and that he was driving at less than 100mph.

As the court case continued, it appeared that Jarvis accelerated hard and managed to go round a bend before losing control. He was also seen trying to wrestle control back after he’d lost it (it must have been a very strange sort of seizure he had). However, a witness at the scene reckons he was shaking and “frothing at the mouth”. Jarvis claims he can’t remember anything.

EDIT: The case is still on-going. There are several further updates, and summing up has concluded.

EDIT: And Jarvis was found guilty. He faces hail when he is sentenced in November.

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