Idiot Driver Caught Eating Cereal Behind Wheel

Police in Edinburgh have launched an enquiry after a motorist was caught on camera eating a bowl of cereal while driving through the city centre. He was overtaking cyclists while he was doing it.

The car he’s driving looks like a Corsa, so I guess that puts it down to some sort of genetic problem.

The idiot deserves everything that is coming to him (assuming he gets caught). But it’s also worth pointing out that the video has been plastered all over the internet by the cyclist – called “Raging Bike” – who took it, along with various comments about the speed he was doing. I hope they had a calibrated speed gun in order to make the accusation about him exceeding 30mph (35mph is mooted).

Let’s also hope that the rightful prosecution of one blinkered idiot hasn’t been prejudiced by others.

If you Google “Raging Bike”, you’ll find that the person who crops up is not exactly pro-motorist. In fact, on one site where he is interviewed you get the impression that he is the character portrayed by Sylvester Stallone in the Rambo movies (particularly Rambo I and II) – except on a bike instead of an army truck or assault helicopter.

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