The Theory According to Nottingham City Council

It’s actually quite a simple equation they use. It only has one variable:

x = “make the motorist wait as long as possible”.

I saw it in action this morning. I came off the A453 and turned into Clifton, along Green Lane. As I approached the junction with Southchurch Drive (the tram crossing), the lights changed to red. This is the sequence that followed:

  • a pause of about 10 seconds
  • pedestrian crossings go green for approximately 30 seconds, then back to red
  • a tram has stopped by this time
  • a further 10 second pause
  • Southchurch Drive lights go green, tram and following traffic move off
  • Southchurch Drive lights stay green for at least 1 minute
  • Southchurch Drive lights turn red
  • a further 10 second pause
  • pedestrian crossings go green again for another 30 seconds, then back to red
  • a further 10 second pause
  • Green Lane lights change to green
  • there’s a minor delay moving off because two people with Clifton genes (one riding a mobility scooter) have proceeded to cross well after the green man turned red and we have to wait for them
  • After less than 15 seconds the lights change back to red

Only a fraction of the traffic that had built up along Green Lane got through, and it had to endure the same protracted sequence all over again.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Those responsible for the tram are complete wankers.

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