Chetwynd Barracks to Close

This is an old post. Chetwynd is still operating, at least partially, since it still has armed guards at the gate as of mid-2022.

It appears that numerous MoD sites around the country are being sold off to raise money. They will apparently be used to build houses, and one of the sites due to be closed is Chetwynd Barracks in Chilwell. At the moment, it looks like this (those green things are called “trees”).

This is what it will look like once they manage to cram in 800 of those hideous shoebox abodes they favour these days. Those shown here are just up the road from the barracks. Note that there isn’t a colour fault with the photo – there’s just no greenery in it.

The report says that Chetwynd won’t close before 2020 [update: they have confirmed it will close in 2021] [Another update: It’s still at least partially operating in mid-2022]. I’d just point out that 2020 is less than four years away – roughly the same amount of time it took them to build Phase 2 of the tram system.

Chetwynd Barracks was built shortly after World War I, and before that there was a shell-filling factory on the site. It was known as the Chilwell Depot until 1995, the new name “Chetwynd” coming from the name of the director of the original shell-filling factory.

It would appear that Broxtowe Borough Council has had its beady eyes on the site for at least the last 6 years judging from this document (which they appear to have removed) [there is an updated document here which is somewhat different to that original one]. The site is almost 80 hectares, and they reckoned on building up to more than 1,500 houses when they wrote this (that’s probably over 2,000 in today’s money [the updated document has it revised down to 800 houses because they’re going to screw it up with more industrial areas]). It’s worth noting that as far back as 2011 they were planning to build up to 2,700 houses on the site! They couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.

How do I get to Chetwynd Barracks?

Nothing to do with this post, but just me trying to be helpful as I’ve had a few hits on this search term.

Leave the M1 at Junction 25. There are two options after that.

Firstly, you could take exit on the roundabout signed for Long Eaton, turn right at the smaller roundabout at the end of that road, then travel for about a mile to the next roundabout and turn left into Long Eaton. Keep going until you reach Chilwell Retail Park and turn left at the traffic lights. That’s Swiney Way, and Chetwynd is about half way down on the right (though you probably wouldn’t miss it).

Alternatively, at M1 Junction 25 exit, follow the A52 towards Nottingham. At the Bardill’s Roundabout turn right on to B6003 Toton Lane and go for about a mile until you reach the traffic lights. Turn left and you’re on Swiney Way from the other side.

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