Complaints by Residents in Alvaston (Derby)

Complaints by residents concerning learners are usually dealt with by sticking up a notice in the test centre waiting room. However, DVSA has taken this unusual step of sending out an email alert regarding certain areas around the Alvaston Test Centre in Derby.

We’ve recently received correspondence from residents living in the area, particularly around Sevenlands Drive, Colwell Drive and Mountfield Way.

I often see notices in my local test centres but they invariably refer to places I don’t use myself (I sometimes have to look them up to find out where they are). In areas I do use, I make sure I don’t get in the residents’ way – I would rather terminate a manoeuvre and start again when it is clear than try to work around someone waiting for us. But I am in a minority on that even in Nottingham.

I can’t really comment on the Alvaston situation. It’s either idiot residents making a mountain out of a molehill – or idiot instructors making a molehill into a mountain.

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