Spot The Difference

Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler

That’s right. One of them is in colour.

The farcical American Presidential Election campaign hit a new low today. Donald Trump has made what is seen as a reference to the assassination of Hillary Clinton.

Even if he didn’t literally mean what he said, there are plenty of loonies in the US who would see things differently.

While reading that BBC story, my eye was drawn towards:

Other controversial Trump statements he later clarified

  • Trump denies mocking disabled reporter
  • Trump backtracks on Iran video
  • Trump backs down on abortion amid outcry
  • Trump denies menstruation Kelly remark
  • Trump’s email hacking remarks ‘sarcasm’

And this sorry specimen of a human being is still in the running for President. Worse still, the sorry specimens who support him give him a good chance of winning. And Rudy Giuliani – the guy who was New York’s mayor at the time of 9/11 – has gone right down in my estimation, as he is a rabid Trump supporter.

When you think how rapidly the world has changed during the last 12 months or so – IS atrocities, Brexit, Trump, and countless others around the globe – it is frightening to contemplate what might happen in the next 12.

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