Flock of Sheep

A bad accident happened in Penge, London, a few days ago when a car being chased by police crashed into pedestrians and killed two people. It’s always a little bit surreal when you see lives end like this – and that includes that of Joshua Dobby, the 23-year old driver who is “accused” of the crime. Still, better that he’s kept off the streets than put back on them.Pronouncing Penge

What bugged me, though, was how when the story was reported on the radio and media. They had some stupid (“shocked and appalled”) woman being interviewed pronouncing “Penge” like it rhymed with “Benjy”. Then, the newsreader started doing it as well.

Thankfully, the media realised that even if a handful of dickwads do pronounce it that way, it’s best to do it properly, and they’re now reporting it so it rhymes with “henge” – the way it should do.

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