Brexit Berks

It’s amazing that these people were even allowed to vote, let alone vote on something as important as EU membership. A selection of comments from people with serious mental problems on the BBC Have Your Say pages:

Elizabeth Kirkby

There is absolutely no need to wait any longer before triggering Article 50, nor any excuse for doing so. The sooner the process is started, the better. I do not see any need for complicated negotiations either. I just hope the “remainers” do not use delaying tactics or throw a spanner in the works out of spite.

Davey Tusker

I don’t know what these remainers are bleating about. They lost the vote – surely they should try and help their country rather than just throwing their hands in the air and calling everyone who voted out stupid. Maybe they could leave the country and go somewhere else where people appreciate cowardice.


Stop stalling, dithering and pussy-footing around.

Get a move-on with the Brexit.

Peter Charles

Complete & utter waste of money. The EU should sort out the numerous bankrupt nations its Euro has created & start to fund its own defence rather than relying on the USA, Canada & UK. Europe is in massive decline & wants to prop itself up with this figment that, as a continent as one it matters. The EU is finished, Europe is irrelevant and the English speaking nations will take the world forward.


I’m not normally a religious man but i THANK GOD that we have taken our country back and rejected the right-wing Germanic dictatorship of the EU.

We are FREE again, Free to celebrate only BRITISH culture and to once again RULE THE WORLD

This next one is special – inasmuch as the author clearly seems to have special needs:



The sooner we get out of this EU madhouse the better

Did not see the report in the FT about the UK getting part of the 42,000 bottles of wine and 1,000 bottles of spirits on Brexit deal on the BBC

Junker must be devastated

All with OUR money and it wont be Aldi wine that is for sure

The Eurocrats really do extract the urine from us plebs


Leave the madhouse to the insane

And this one’s not far behind:

Project Fear Phase 2 – Project Tantrum

Wasn’t it by January 3 months ago? What’s all this stalling for, the people have voted so stop playing games and trigger it already Sharia May, it’s going to take 2 years after that, tons of time to plan and negotiate, so stop giving the anti-democratic EU marxists a chance to form a coup against it and for the EU, who we are still paying vast cash to, to take a fat turd on the UK in the meantime.

Now try and work out what this prat is going on about:


Let’s hope we can drop these EU employment laws which are killing business – no more softy lefty nonsense – lets man up and get people doing a hard weeks work. The French don’t work anymore and they can’t raise the taxes as the rich have moved to London

This one doesn’t seem to be aware that zero-hours contracts are actually illegal in many European states. It’s the UK – which hasn’t banned them – which is at fault all by itself:


@1414 so why does your beloved EU not ban ‘zero hour contracts’ across the 28 EU States? does not suit their neoliberal agenda to destroy working classes and replace with “immigrants”?

There are hundreds more. I just repeat again: why on earth were these people allowed to vote?

None of them is capable of understanding the complexities of removing the last third of the 20th century from UK Law and finances, and think it can be done just like that. Most of them are operating purely on the flag-waving level. Several are clearly wrong on key issues, and yet cast their votes based on that. And others are simply a few olives short of a pizza.

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