Only in America…!

America is currently in the grip of what appears to be an epidemic of creepy clowns trying to abduct children. It even appears that the problem has moved over to the UK.Sinister clown

It started out as a dimwit prankish kind of thing, then the sicko-perverts got in on the act. In the UK, incidents seem confined to the Newcastle area at the moment, suggesting that over here it’s still just a low-IQ thing.

I had to laugh when I saw this progression in America, though. Utah police have had to issue warnings to residents that it isn’t OK to shoot clowns at random if you see one.

Mind you, as I’ve already mentioned, this IS America, and Utah police obviously have to keep hold of that baton. Someone asked:

Can I shoot or take action against someone that is dressed up like a clown?

Now, in most civilised territories, the answer to this would be a straightforward “no”. But not in Utah. There, they have to cloud the issue with this response:

That’s not a simple yes or no question. It has a lot of variables to it.

Erm. No, it doesn’t. It has one variable: x = “can I kill someone dressed as a clown?” And there’s a simple, single answer: “no!”

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