You Have To Laugh

I got an email tonight from the Food Standards Agency (I’m signed up to alerts). It’s amazing how many recalls are issued each week – they’re mostly for bits of plastic or salmonella contamination, though many are labelling issues where something in them isn’t declared on the label.

The one I received tonight was of the latter type. The Co-op is recalling something called a “Veg Taster”.

Because of “undeclared fish”!

I can’t find out what a “Veg Taster” is, and I’m certainly not going out to buy one. But the name suggests that it is suitable for vegetarians. They do “Fish Tasters” as well, and the undeclared fish in the FSA alert involves salmon, so you can sort of half guess how it happened.

Joking aside, though. It could be a problem for anyone with a fish allergy.

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