Barbie’s Car

Please note this is an old post and BSM is switching back to Corsas in 2011.

I was looking at where some of my traffic had come from and one of them tracked back to another driving instructor’s blog ( Martin’s Driving). Martin appears to be a Scottish ADI operating under the BSM franchise.

As I think I have said in more than one post on here, I quite like the FIAT 500 – I think it’s cute, and I like the retro styling.

FIAT 500 - Old and New

FIAT 500 - Old and New

One of the criticisms levelled at the FIAT is that it is a “girlie” car – indeed, BSM made it clear that the majority of its pupils were young females and that it would target this group specifically. You can’t blame it (well, you can if you are a fossil, masquerading as an ADI and working under the BSM franchise and used to using Corsas).

Barbie's FIAT 500

Barbie's FIAT 500

But this made me smile.

On Martin’s website, he has this photograph… a Barbie accessory, and unmistakably a FIAT 500!

Martin suggests that people have stopped calling the 500 a “Noddy car” and are now calling it a “Barbie car” – but he says they are wrong, because Barbie’s is white.

Actually, a hell of a lot of BSM’s 500s are white. Even the picture showing the old and new models side by side confirms that white is definitely in the range (personally, I hate the muddy brown one).

Something else I have mentioned before is the hypocrisy of some ADIs. They revel in criticising the 500 – and yet they teach in Yarises, Matizes, and all manner of joke cars you’d expect to see a clown climbing out of.

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