Knuckleheads In Convertibles

Why is it that the bigger the car, the smaller the brain of the thug driving it?

I was with a pupil this afternoon and we were approaching a three-exit mini-roundabout. She slowed down, dropped into 2nd, and I pointed out that she should watch what the other cars were doing. One car indicated left and was clearly going left (down the road we were on) – technically, he didn’t need to indicate as his road was the ‘straight ahead’ one, but it helped. The second one was a fat, middle-aged thug in a silver Merc convertible (didn’t get his registration). No indication at all, he slowed down behind the car in front of him going ahead – it looked to the world like he was going ahead, too. Except that he put his foot down and  nearly hit my pupil as he turned right. He indicated as he put his foot down on the turn.

It must have made his day – and no doubt gave his trouser tackle the bext thrill it’s had for some years without the use of Viagra – being able to play with his horn and look outraged. It couldn’t have been more deliberate or more stupid if he’d have tried.

I hope he saw me point to my head and mouth a very descriptive term (related to his sexual prowess and DIY abilities)!

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