
I picked a pupil up for a lesson yesterday at 11am. She got in the car, rushed through the cockpit drill, then started to fiddle with her hair in the mirror. The ensuing – and totally politically incorrect – exchange went like this:

Me: Are you finished?

She: What?

Me: Messing with your hair.

She: I’ve just got up. I look like a tramp.

Me: No you don’t. You’re just doing that thing women do.

She: Men do it as well.

Me: No we don’t.

She: Yes they do. I’ve seen them.

Me: Well, not real men. Anyway, when no one’s looking we just pick our noses in the car.

She: OK, I’ll give you that one.

You watch next time you pull up behind a woman at traffic lights. You can virtually guarantee that you’ll see her lean across and start tousling her hair.

Another thing worth watching for: when you pull up behind someone who has their rear view mirror adjusted properly, you can see their eyes (or the top of their head if they are trying to avoid making eye contact because they just cut you up and they know that you are waiting to use International Drivers’ Sign Language or Exaggerated Lip Exercises at them).

Often, if the driver is female, you’ll notice that the mirror shows a slightly lower part of her anatomy. That’s because she’s got it adjusted so she can see herself in it.

Honest. It’s true!

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