I picked a pupil up this afternoon. She ran through her cockpit drill, then we did the summary of the previous lesson. The ensuing minute or two went like this:
Me: OK, drive off when you’re ready.
[Readjusts seat]
Me: What’s the matter?
She: I feel like I’m too close.
Me: OK. When you’re ready, off we go.
[Sets gas, moves left foot a bit, looks all around, handbrake off… nothing happens]
Me: Hold on a moment. Have you forgotten anything?
[Starts to readjust seat again]
Me: No, it’s not your seat. Set the gas and find the bite.
[Sets gas, moves left foot a bit, looks all around…]
Me: Have you got the bite? Try again… go on, raise your toes until you feel it…
[Sets gas, raises foot a bit… raises it some more… then some more… then eventually all the way up… no movement of the car]
Me: Right, so what does that tell you?
[Looks all around her feet and the steering wheel… possibly considering readjusting the seat again]
She: Ummm…
Me: Look at the gear lever.
She: [screams] Oh, I feel so stupid. I was having a blonde moment.
[We’re still in neutral]
She’s actually a decent learner driver, but everyone has these aberrations occasionally. Except men.