Free Franchise For ADIs?

Why do so many people who come to this blog apparently do so using the above search term?

Hangman's RopeIf you are looking for a franchise then you are undoubtedly unable to generate your own work (or enough of it). You’ve most probably discovered how expensive it is to advertise – and also how unsuccessful such advertising can often be. If you’ve been independent, you’re probably clawing in desperation at options which might save you – and yet you’re still ‘indie’ enough to refuse point blank to choose the ones more likely to save you simply because they go more against your ‘indie’ principles than the others do.

So what on earth makes you think someone offering a free franchise (if such a thing exists), or even a cheap one, is automatically going to do any better than you did?

You need a company that is established, and those will be the ones charging you a sensible amount for their franchise. If someone is likely to attract a lot of pupils as a franchise organisation, they will be spending money to achieve that. They’re hardly going to offer the results of that expenditure for free.

If someone is offering it for free, there are far more questions I’d want answering before flinging myself into a last chance to escape bankruptcy.

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