Police and Dashcam Footage

Well, at long last Nottinghamshire Police have begun to accept online submissions. If you have an example of bad driving and you caught it on dashcam, you can submit it here. Use the link for the Online Form (I stress that this is for Nottinghamshire – your own force will have its own system for submitting footage).

Make no mistake. If I catch someone behaving like a twat on my dashcam, they will get reported. I’ve been waiting for this for years!

I’ve submitted several so far over the last couple of months, and the police have responded by telling me they will take further action on all but one. They tell you what possible actions could be involved, but due to data protection they cannot tell you what that ends up being. But that’s no big deal.

I was rear-ended over the weekend. My pupil stopped at a Zebra for a pedestrian, and some twat rammed into us in a heavy 4×4. And she had a very young kid in the car – no more than a baby in the front passenger seat – and was obviously distracted. She’d not have stopped for the pedestrian, that’s for sure.

That one’s going through the insurance, but anything I see from behind that is even close to what happened will go to the Police. And if people get points or bans (or worse), so much the better.

Trust me on this. You need a dashcam. I know from experience – my own, and that of former pupils who have sought my advice – that if any halfwit ploughs into you they will try to make out it was your fault, even to the point of lying through their teeth. Even this one at the weekend is already trying to argue that we’d stopped short of the Zebra. Yeah, we did. About one and half car lengths short. And she still f**king smashed into us at full speed with a pedestrian about to walk out. With her kid in front with her.

Get. A. Dashcam. And then report these twats.

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