Quite a few years ago now – God! It was in 2009 – there was a case where a foul little chav was prosecuted for deliberately blocking an ambulance while it was engaged in an emergency call.
Although it is hard to fathom what must have been going on inside her tiny little mind, in that particular case the ambulance staff were trying to resuscitate a patient in the back, who subsequently died. That nasty little piece of work (and her boyfriend) was very lucky she was not held responsible for that death, and consequently got away with a suspended prison sentence and a driving ban.
I’d noticed a spike in traffic to that particular article over the last few days, which I now realise was due to another instance of someone purposely blocking an ambulance while it was on a blue-light call.

In this case, some similarly backward individual to the one back in 2009, who goes by the human name of Albert Butler, repeatedly blocked its progress. As you can see from the official police video, he was sentenced to 8 months in prison (suspended for 18 months), given unpaid work, and banned from driving for three years.
The ‘man’ is a headcase. He ought to be behind bars for what he did.