First Cancellation Due To Snow

It was my decision. I’d advised her last night that if it snowed then it wouldn’t be a good idea to go out during the rush hour. I wouldn’t have minded it later in the evening, but in busy traffic… I was concerned.

Snow SceneWell, we had a flurry an hour or two ago – not much, but it’s lying over frozen ground – so I decided I didn’t want to risk it. She’s at an early stage in her driving and I don’t know how she’d react if we skidded or if she’d brake harshly if we were going down a hill on compacted snow. Once you’re into a skid, you have effectively lost control.

Over the weekend, pupils with more experience have benefited from driving on ice and seeing how easily they will get into a skid situation. But you have to be realistic and not try to teach advanced topics to people who haven’t got to grips with the basics yet.

Oh. And an hour later my next pupil cancelled. Apparently, her babysitter can’t make it due to snow – and won’t be able to Wednesday, either.

Fortunately, these are all only hour lessons. But, you see how quickly it crosses over from you just being conscientious to it becoming something which is damaging to your business?

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