What Kind Of Person Has Personalised Plates?

Someone found the blog by Googling “what kind of person has personalised licence plates?”

Personalised PlateIn my experience…

Such a person will have more money than sense – a plate which doesn’t really have any obvious personalisation will cost you £250; something in the old style (like F4 ABC) will cost £600; and if the letters are even close to spelling any word in the English dictionary, you’re looking at over £1,000. Anything with “MAC” in it is closer to £2,000 – and that’s just the reserve price at auction. And so on.

Such a person will be retired and drive a Jaguar (or large Rover, etc.). They will drive it badly.

Such a person will own a pratmobile, have acne, and usually a problem in the vertical plane. They will drive it badly.

Such a person will be a middle-aged woman trying to look 20-something, driving a Mercedes. She will drive it badly.

Such a person will be an Audi owner. Enough said on that one.

Such a person will be driving a large car of some description – a Merc, Jag, or Land Rover, etc. - but one which has seen better days. They’ll most likely be covered in tattoos and may drive in a vest (usually with a cigarette on the go). They will drive it badly.

You can see the link developing here. They just draw attention to themselves - which is why they bought the plate in the first place – but not in quite the way they had originally intended.

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