Drunken Mobility Scooter Rider

The Metro reports that mobility scooter rider David Hutchinson (65), of Bury St Edmonds, was seen weaving down the road by a police officer and pulled over.

Mobility ScooterHe was breathalysed and gave a result of 125µg/100ml (the limit is 35µg).

He escaped a jail sentence because the scooter is not considered to be a “vehicle”. He was charged with being drunk in charge of a bicycle (and the sooner that law is updated, the better).

But better yet, he was already banned from driving and is currently serving a four-month suspended sentence.

But he had a good lawyer and managed to get off – even though any sane person would begin to join the dots… banned already, prison sentence, breach of conditions… drunk on a mobility scooter.

Those mobility scooters are a bloody nuisance at the best of times. The people who ride them often think they have right of way over everyone and everything, and coupled with an often ageing and cantankerous attitude they can be a right pain. I once saw an old guy go ploughing into a group of schoolgirls (hurting one of them) – he either did it deliberately, or he shouldn’t have been out alone without supervision. There was no other explanation.

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