Women’s Motor Insurance To Rise In 2012

The Sun has its own unique angle on the story reported below. Apparently, girls are driven crazy by the new insurance laws.

Young women drivers face paying up to £4,300 more a year to cover their cars following the ruling

It says. Well, you’ve got to take the rough with the smooth. If you want equal pay – irrespective of whether or not you have equal skills – you’ve got to expect equal bills and expenses, too.

Women under 26, who are considered ‘safer’ drivers by insurance companies than their male counterparts will have their rates hitched 25 per cent by 12 December 2012.

I’ll repeat what I said in the last post on this topic: women drivers have accidents .

Once and for all, let’s stop pretending women are perfect out there on the roads. They make mistakes – different ones to men due to their biological spatial awareness problems – and they cause problems on the roads.

On my way to a lesson today a female driver stopped abruptly in the middle of a junction on a 40mph road in free-moving traffic – completely free-moving – to flash a white van turning right (he was waiting in the designated right turn lane). It forced me to both brake to a stop in front of the white line and worry that the lights would change and trigger the camera. She hadn’t a clue what was going on behind her. The white van had no right of way whatsoever, but she gave it to him unnecessarily and caused potentially serious problems,

Then this afternoon on a roundabout, a woman driver did what bad drivers do and remained in the right hand lane as long as she could (all along a long boulevard) to turn right, and then swung across into the other lane (also going right) at the last moment. She, too, hadn’t a clue what was going on in that lane or behind her. She should have stayed in lane and merged – not try to slam into other road users.

In both cases, the only reason an accident didn’t happen was the other driver – in this case, me.

The point here is not that only women do this. The point is that women do it as well, so stop bleating about this perfectly sensible change to the insurance laws. The only reason women have had it so good for so long is as a result of positive discrimination designed to swing the scales away from men. The problem was, the scales swung too far – now they’re swinging back a little.

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