USA: Bill to End Test on Older Drivers

This one reads like a Monty Python sketch. The Union Leader online newspaper reports that there is a bill in New Hampshire, USA to end tests of suitability on older drivers.

But perceptions that older drivers have more accidents are not supported by some statistical studies.

Note the word “some”. This means that “some” studies show categorically that older drivers ARE a greater risk to themselves and others.

Rep. Bob Williams, D-Concord, doesn’t like the law.

“This is pure age discrimination,” said Williams, 84. “There are no other classes of drivers we make do this. There is no evidence that older drivers are less safe than other drivers. In fact, if you look at the statistics, drivers over age 75 in New Hampshire are safer drivers than the younger age groups.”

Read that again. Bob Williams doesn’t like the law which says those over 75 must re-take their suitability tests. He is 84. His wish is that there would be no re-testing at all on the over 75s.

Just imagine these two scenarios:

  1. Those between the ages of 30-50 can drive without the need for any sort of retesting
  2. Those between the ages of 75-105 can drive without the need for any sort of retesting.

Doesn’t one of them sound ludicrous? Yet that is what the bill is effectively proposing.

Everyone knows that as people get beyond a certain age an increasing number of them become slower and more prone to confusion. Also with age comes the increasing risk of dementia and other age-related conditions.

And people like Williams want these significant dangers and risks to be ignored.

Hey, while we’re at it, why not remove the early age bar to driving? Why not grant licences to people on the day they are born? But people like Williams would probably consider this as being unfair, too, and lobby for the effective date to be the point of conception instead!

EDIT 10/3/2011: Oregon is now getting in on the act after an 87 year old man and 74 year old woman drove into stationary buildings in separate incidents. A bill is being considered that would require over-75s to renew their licences every 2 years and be required to pass a driving test each renewal.

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