Staged Car Accidents on Rise

Staged Car CrashesIt’s funny how you write (or say) something, and then you come across news stories on similar topics.

I posted recently about insurance fraudsters (like Mr Wilson, the scumbag who tried it on with me some years ago – and lost), and the guy who pranged one of my ex-pupils, and then tried to blame it on her by lying (and last I heard, it looked like he was going to be found out).

An article in Car Rentals suggest that in the same vein, cases of staged car crashes are rising dramatically in line with the UK’s burgeoning problem of pathetic personal injury claims (which, in turn, came from the USA).

No doubt this sort of thing occurs to lesser minds as a way of subsidising their unemployment benefits during a recession. SO ADIs had better watch out – a learner is an easy target.

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