Parents Pass Road Rage to Kids: Update

I wrote recently about an AA survey, and how the media had twisted it. The media seemed to be suggesting that the survey revealed parents pass on road rage to their children. That’s the only thing it was suggesting.

Here’s the proof that the media was talking utter crap.

It turns out the AA survey was of its driving instructors. “Poor use of mirrors” was the most common problem cited. This was followed by “speeding”, “failing to check blind spots”, and “not feeding the wheel when turning”.

Other bad habits include braking too hard or too late, driving too close to the vehicle in front, letting the wheel slip through their hands, using only one hand on the wheel, getting annoyed with other drivers, and coasting in neutral.

See that part in bold? An entire news story was made up from that. The survey summary simply said parents pass on bad habits – like we didn’t know that in the first place.

As I said, it has to be the biggest non-story of all time.

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