Nine-year-old Drink Driver

Car Breaking KidPresumably this is yet another freedom of information [dead link](FOI) muck raking exercise.

Apparently, police records show that a 9-year-old in Cumbria was breathalysed and taken into custody. They had to release him because he was “to young to be held accountable”.

Well, the police should have gone straight round to his parents’ house (or probably just “parent” – he’s unlikely to be from a stable household) and arrested them – because they ARE accountable. Completely responsible, in fact.

The story focuses on the fact that in the last year thousands of under 18s have been arrested in the north of England. Four 11-year-olds and a 10-year-old were arrested for car theft. Seven 12-year-olds were arrested in Cleveland for the same thing.

The total number is 2,647 arrests for car theft, aggravated vehicle taking, drink driving, and underage driving.

Perhaps illustrating partly WHY there is such a problem, the report says:

A Northumbria Police spokesman said juvenile car crime and motoring offences had dropped year on year.

Obviously the words of a responsible parent.

Even one case of this nature is shocking. The fact that there are so many – and no one can (or will) do anything meaningful about it – beggars belief.

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