Canada’s Bad… and Racist Drivers

The Toronto Sun makes a comment about the standard of driving in Canada. The article is about 120 words long, and doesn’t actually say much other than a national poll saying 75% of Canadians think driving standards are worse than 50 years ago. And this needed a poll?

I think the Canadians have been taking lessons from the UK on how to state the obvious.

Far more interesting is Canada’s massive problems with racism and prejudice. Take a look at some of the comments that people have left at the foot of that story. If you said any of that stuff in the UK you’d be arrested.

Mind you, a couple of comments did ring a bell with what happens over here:

Bad driving habits? Talk to the stupid people who brake driving uphill, the idiots who do 20 under the speed limit, causing a huge line up of cars behind them, the jerks who do not turn off their high beams when coming at you at nightime. Or how about the tools that dont know how to park, people who rip up ahead on a bottleneck road and force their way in, when people have been waiting for minutes already. [edited by DOAADI for racist rant]

Another favourite of mine are the people who brake because someone in another lane puts on their brakes. Most people are sheep and do not focus on driving. I drove professionally for years. It is near impossible to make a decent living driving in the Toronto area.

A lot of that could almost be taken from here, couldn’t it?

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