Still Driving at 100!

Anyone who reads this blog regularly will know that I don’t have a lot of time for older drivers who are clearly a risk, and yet keep on driving (or complain if they are banned because of poor eyesight or other problems, as if they have some special right to drive).

When I first saw this in the newsfeeds, I was immediately sceptical – but the lady concerned, Peggy Hovell, doesn’t seem to fit the usual bill.

Even so, I will say what I’ve said before. At 100 years of age, she is a hell of a lot closer to the end than she is to the beginning. So is it safe for her to be on the road when she could – and let’s be honest about it – peg out at any time?

It’s a very tricky question.

Update: And the Daily Mail has got hold of it a few days later than everyone else.

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