Compensation Culture Slammed

Reported in EADT24, Axa has called for an end to the “compensation culture” in this country, which it says is sending everyone’s insurance higher and higher.

Two and a half years ago I was involved in an accident. A new driver went through red lights (probably misjudged them) and I went straight into the side of her. I was not injured – apart from a diagonal row of bruises down my chest where the seatbelt pulled. Maybe I had a sore neck for a few days, but it went away. I don’t call that an “injury”. An “injury” is something that requires urgent medical attention, or when something is broken.

Since that day, I have been inundated with text messages saying that I am entitled to “£3,750 for the accident you had” and such like. I have ignored every single one of them, because I wasn’t injured.

The female driver of the other car, however, didn’t lose any time. She had already filed for whiplash injuries to anyone within a 500 metre radius within a few weeks (in spite of not needing an ambulance at the scene of the accident). In order to do this, she had to lie about what happened and as a result the case is STILL ongoing.

But she is just typical. The money is like winning the lottery to her.

The problem is that as soon as you notify your insurer of an accident, they give your details to one of these compensation companies and you’re can’t get rid of them. Axa has banned referrals like these.

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