Another Annoying TV Ad: Strongbow Cider

The latest Strongbow ad is driving me mad. It didn’t, until I noticed something… and now it does.

Take a look at the end bit (about 50 seconds in).

To start with, they’ve been doing the heaviest job imaginable, and they’re desperate for a drink of cold, refreshing Strongbow. So the weasly little guy takes a tiny, girly sip – it probably evaporated faster than he drank it – and makes a growling “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!” sound, as though he’s just swallowed a sink full of the stuff.

I mean, you just don’t go “Aaaaahhhhhhhh!” when you’ve taken such a small drink, and it certainly wouldn’t quench any thirst you might have acquired from humping a sofa up 20 floors of a tower block where the lifts are broken.

I’ve gotten a taste for Stella Artois Cidre when the fancy takes me, and if I’m thirsty I can knock back a whole bottle of the stuff in 15 seconds flat. THAT’S how to quench a thirst, and justify going “Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!”

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