New Online Booking Service

This looks like it might be useful!

In an email alert from the DSA, they announce the imminent launch (end of 2012) of a new online booking service for businesses. It is intended to make the practical test booking process for ADIs easier and less cumbersome than it is at present (even getting on it is a nightmare with the existing system). The launch will take place in two stages.

The first (at the end of 2012) is for trainer bookers. These can book multiple tests for both named and unnamed candidates. The second stage is for other businesses – ADIs and PDIs – so that they can book tests.

The main benefit that I can see from the email is that you’ll be able to look at all available test slots without having to enter the details of the candidate. This is a major step forward. You’ll also be able to get notifications of slot cancellations – potentially, an even bigger step forward.

The email doesn’t appear to be available as a web page, so I won’t copy the whole thing here. However, Business Link – Trainer Bookings.

It’s for ADIs only, just in case any learners come across this story. You’ll need your ADI number to register.

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