Better Service For Motorists At Garages

MOT SignAn email alert from the DSA says that motorists are to see improvements in customer service at local garages.

It must be stressed that the DSA is merely reporting on “a package of transparency and value-for-money measures” from the government.

The “transparency” aspect appears to be some heavy obfuscation of that story from quite a while ago about changing the MOT frequency (which they’re NOT now going to change, thank God, because it was a stupid idea).

If you read the release, you’ll have a hell of a job seeing anything to do with the MOT that will improve your “customer service” index next time you go in. No price cuts, nothing.

But there’s plenty to keep myriad government officials occupied for the foreseeable future – with the distinct possibility of a price hike if all they’re proposing ever gets implemented.

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