Bid To End Fraudulent Whiplash Claims

I think I’ve mentioned this problem somewhere previously, but our ineffective prime minister will “today pledge to end” the compensation frenzy that accompanies even near misses, these days.

I’ve fallen foul of such a false claim before. Those most likely to do it come from the Neck Brace - you callin' me a liar?dirtiest, scummiest, most desperate reaches of our society.

But they wouldn’t be able to do it without help and encouragement from another dirty and scummy part of our society – and I’m talking about the personal injury lawyers who advertise on TV and radio (and in the media generally). They’re only doing it to line their own pockets, as they apparently get paid £1,200 for even the smallest successful claim. This means that they put in as many claims as they can (you can see why they have those sharks on TV urging people to claim fraudulently), as most judges will award in favour of the claimant. Apparently, around 1,500 such claims are submitted every day – almost in line with the number of daily personal injury adverts on the TV and radio.

Doctors aren’t blameless, either. All you have to do is go and see your GP, say you were in a car crash and that your neck hurts, and that’s it: you’ve got whiplash, and you’re well on your way to getting a few hundred quid off some innocent motorist.

Over 90% of these small claims are completely fraudulent, based on lies, desperation, and incompetence. Desperation and lies from the claimant and his lawyers, incompetence from the doctor who didn’t check the injury claims properly.

As a result, insurance is 20% higher than it was before the claims became common.

According to the article, Britain is the whiplash capital of Europe, and people claim for even the most minor of bumps.

However, I am not sure what they can do. The article states that whiplash is almost impossible to disprove.

Meanwhile, if Cameron wanted to do anything other than lip sync to pre-recorded soundtracks, he would have actually done something over a year ago when he got into No. 10. These claims have done massive harm to the economy – and continue to do so.

It doesn’t need “pledges”. It needs someone to get off their arse and do something. Now. That way, people like the scammers I just saw on ITV3 offering a free iPad if you make a claim can be shut down for good.

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