Useless And Inaccurate Award

I don’t want to take too much away from the driving school involved, but I find it hard to believe that a small firm in Bristol can be reliably considered as “third best driving school in the UK”.

Apparently, “tens of thousands” of people voted across the country (which has a population of 62 million), so even if those tens of thousands amounted to 99,999, they still only represent 0.16% of the population. I suspect we’re talking about the lower “tens” here, even so.

These opinion-based polls are notoriously unreliable and horrendously misleading – every year, the media ask people to vote for the Best Band Ever In All Recorded History, and you can guarantee that the worst pop and rap claptrap from the previous year comes up trumps. That’s purely down to the kind of people who vote.

Good luck to the school involved. It’s a nice certificate to have.

But I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on “third best in the UK”. That’s absolute nonsense, and would require every learner in the country from the last 5 years to vote for it to be even close to having any validity.

It’ll be interesting to see if any of the other local amateur newspapers jump on the first and second placed driving schools when they find out who they are.

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