Dangerous Tossers

Two examples of extremely dangerous driving yesterday. Both were easily capable of causing fatal accidents, involving crass stupidity.

FD10 NFX - Black MercedesThe first involved a black Mercedes *reg. no. FD10 NFX). I was driving along the A60 towards Bunny during the rush hour, and just as I approached Bradmore Lane (locally known as “The Rollercoaster”, and favoured by pratmobile drivers as a location for risking their lives and everyone else’s) this Mercedes was waiting. He had absolutely no right of way, nor any reasonable reason to pull out.

But he did.

Amusingly, he made sure to keep his eyes below the level of the mirror once he saw me mouth something that rhymed with “clucking bat” at him and point to my head. They’re always very brave before they do it, but no so afterwards. He was heading off towards Loughborough somewhere, in case the police are interested.

W498 BVX - Dark SeatThe second example was driving towards Cotgrave along Cotgrave Road/Plumtree Road. Just as the speed limit goes from 40mph to 60mph, I saw this commotion behind as the juvenile twat driving the dark-coloured Seat (reg, no. W498 BVX) had apparently overtaken a van to squeeze in the gap in front.

I had accelerated to almost 60mph by this time, and there were solid white lines on the road due to dips and bends. That didn’t stop the Seat driver though. He overtook me on solid white lines at considerably above 70mph – having to take evasive action to avoid the oncoming car (that’s why the solid white lines are there, you prick). I think this may have just shaken him a little, as he didn’t try to overtake the car he was then stuck behind. I don’t know if he could see me using Universal Sign Language behind him at the junction, because he was invisible in the mirror and below the level of the driving seat back rest (typical child pratmobile driver – restricted height, restricted intelligence, car modified so he can’t even see over the steering wheel – but drives suicidally nonetheless.

He headed off towards the centre of Cotgrave if the police are interested, though he could easily have been using it as a rat run to the A46.

It’s no wonder young drivers have fatalities, is it? What is a wonder is that anyone should feel sympathy for them when they do.

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