More Panic Buying

Well, two of my local garages got fuel in again today – and there were queues at them all day. Fortunately, they weren’t as large as yesterday – although it WAS bad around midday-mid-afternoon.

I finally went in one of them tonight after my last lesson, and when the queues Darwin Award - Panic Buyershad almost gone. I thought I’d be in and out reasonably quickly, but when I got to the pay desk there was a stupid bitch with a credit card that the attendant was having to phone up someone about. Judging from his rolled eyes and repeated attempts, he couldn’t get through. In the end, we all heard clearly that she’d bought just over £12 of fuel! What was the bloody point?

When I got outside, they were queuing up the road again because no one else had been able to pay quickly and drive away.

Nice one, Victoria Mott. A nominee for the Darwin Awards 2012.

Meanwhile, the BBC reports that panic buying by people like Ms Mott  is hitting small businesses hard. People are cancelling holidays and such like. It’s not surprising – yesterday I was seriously worried that I would have to cancel lessons, even though I had half a tank left.

Half a tank lasts me a day if I’m busy. The same amount would keep idiots like Ms Mott and her kind going for a bloody week.

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