Atlantis Found?

This is an intriguing story in The Sun. OK, so it’s just The Sun shovelling stuff on after that UFO In The Turbine debacle a few weeks ago, but at least this one has what appears to be hard facts backing it up.

Basically, on Google Ocean there is a patch of sea floor which has a well-defined layout remarkably reminiscent of a city. It is apparently about the size of Wales.

The Telegraph covers the same story better.

toronstganymede – someone who has posted a comment about the story in The Sun – sagely advises us:

… it’s an abandoned undersea ufo base – it was only a few fathoms down before the last polar shift – atlantis is off the coast of cuba …

I strongly advise you to read some of the other comments. Most of the posters are total nuts!

To put it in perspective, there is a follow-up story which quashes the Atlantis theory. I doubt The Sun (or its readers) will worry too much about these particular facts, though.

I must confess that I’m not 100% convinced over the official explanation about it being mapping lines. I accept that it could be, but it definitely looks like something actually on the ocean floor and those lines are very straight. Perhaps if more ‘underwater cities’ were found, mapping lines would be a better explanation.

But I won’t lose any sleep over it. It’s just an interesting story, that’s all.

EDIT: 21/02/2009 – Actually, having had a look at Google Ocean myself, there are quite a few linear traces which cannot possibly be natural (including in the Pacific), but which are equally not man-made. At least, not in the sense you’d call a house or a city ‘man-made’. The anomaly reported in the press does look particularly ‘man-made’, and I haven’t found anything quite that obvious, but there are more anomalies to the east of it.

I’m still keeping an open mind.

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