And Even More Dangerous Overtaking

Well, it was Saturday (nearly). Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a full moon tonight, too.

Driving along the Ring Road with a pupil on a 40mph stretch and a Weasel-boy in an old red Renault Clio (V710 JLC) struggles past at about 45 and then dangerously cuts in front literally less than half a car’s length away. It had to be deliberate – either that or stupidity just reached a new high. Once the limit went up to 50mph he was definitely doing at least 60.

And a few minutes later coming off a roundabout a silver Vauxhall (Astra, I think: LS51 SYF) decided that she (Weasel-girl this time, I think) was going to overtake on the short merge area, and in spite of the fact my pupil accelerated like a proper driver the Vauxhall driver’s pea-brain wasn’t able to deal with the new situation and she went ahead causing us to brake sharply. She then tailgated the car in front dangerously for about a mile until we turned off.

Seriously, I wonder how these people pass their tests… and how they manage to keep their licences.

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