Apparently, Scum Has Rights, Too!

I saw this story in today’s Daily Mail.

Before I comment on the story directly, let’s just clarify something. All travellers – all of them – who doss down on land they haven’t been given permission to camp on (often by breaking and entering) are filthy, parasitic scum. They crap in the bushes, and leave filth behind when the local authorities eventually manage to push through the eviction notices kicking them off.

I know this because we get them around my way from time to time. Anyone with any sense must know that their decrepit caravans mostly don’t have proper toilets and that they are therefore going to have to go somewhere else (years ago, I actually saw the inhabitants of one mobile slum-camp going into roadside undergrowth for the purpose). The last time they camped near my house on a field, the spaces between bushes were riddled with piles of human excrement and used nappies. They also fly-tipped old baths and other stuff in ditches, AND the local house burglary rate went up dramatically while they were there. These are facts, by the way.

A couple of years ago a herd of them got into a farmer’s field near Nuthall. They did so by cutting through a hedge – actually felling trees to get in – and the mess they left behind will take longer to clean up than Chernobyl.

More recently another herd tried to camp on a local farmer’s field, driving over his crops in order to do so. They were kicked off immediately but set up camp on a roadside verge a couple of miles away. In that particular case, all the car registration plates were Irish.

And also quite recently, another herd tried to camp outside the Virgin Media building in Colwick. They were only there for a couple of days before being kicked off, but it took two days for the bin liners of filth to be removed.

Oh, and earlier this year a handful of them took up residence in the car park on one of the vacant Colwick Industrial Estate units.

All this is just what I’ve observed, and is merely the tip of the iceberg. I have never witnessed – directly or otherwise – any illegal encampment that has departed and left the place clean. That’s because it doesn’t happen.

In this particular (Daily Mail) case, the herd entered land belonging to farmer, Dave Dawson, in Shoreham, West Sussex. They cut through a metal gate and put their own padlock on it.

Mr Dawson called police and told them he was going to remove them. He took his digger and was prepared to get them off by any means necessary.

Unbelievably, he was told that they “have rights”. He said:

The police told me that once they are on the land they have rights. But what about my rights?

They should have no more rights than a pile of dog mess, because that’s all they are. And yet in spite of breaking and entering private property, trespassing, and already having the ambience of sewer rats because of who they were, the only person who came close to arrest was Mr Dawson, the injured party and landowner!

Some dickheads out there say that these scum have a right to live somewhere. Yes, they do. On legal campsites (even that is unfortunate for anyone nearby forced to endure them). And only then if they pay taxes.

(If you hadn’t noticed, I am quite passionate on this subject. I see too much of the damage these animals cause).

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