If You’re Going To Retire, Retire… And Be Done With It!

It’s quite possible to enjoy being a driving instructor – just like it’s quite possible to enjoy any job. However, it seems to be standard practice to sGrumpy Old Man Kittart hating work when you get to a certain age. That’s when you officially become a Grumpy Old Git and start annoying people.

One thing that you pick up when you do this job – indeed, something that any half-decent parent would pick up when trying (and failing) to educate their offspring on certain matters – is that no amount of advice, tuition,coaching, or anything else you want to call it is going to stop the average 17-year old behaving like every other 17-year old has ever behaved since time immemorial. And usually then some. Likewise, the DSA will always behave like the DSA, and driving tests will always be driving tests – with passes and fails.

I’m seeing an increasing number of ADIs retiring (or being close to retirement but still hanging on), stating that they’re “disillusioned” or words to that effect, who then can’t stop keep sticking the boot in on the industry that the rest of us are still involved with and enjoy.

It seems that the old adage about falling into a second childhood as the grey matter turns to jelly is true.

For God’s sake, if you’re going to retire, do it! Just walk away and retire, and stop keep trying to ruin it for everyone else. Go and play golf, or write letters to local newspapers about things that annoy you (that will fill up the long hours). And while you’re at it, buy one of these.

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