Inconsistent Punishments

I mentioned two cases recently of idiotic driving. In one case, the culprit was removed from the gene pool as a result of his own behaviour – fortunately, before he removed anyone else – and the other had the book (admittedly, a paperback rather than a hardbound encyclopaedia) thrown at him.

In that second case, Christopher Jones was jailed for 25 months, banned for two years, and ordered to take an extended re-test.

So it is hard to work out how they arrived at what this moron was stung with.

Leigh Brennan was already banned as a result of failing to provide a breath specimen on an earlier escapade. He did the same again this time – but not before he’d smashed into a Mini and then demolished a pub wall – which collapsed on top of the landlord.

All he got was a 12 month sentence and banned for 2 years. Arguably, he came closer to killing someone than Jones did in the other story.

Philip Miles, defending, said Brennan now recognises he has a problem with drink and has sought help.

He said: “He has made great strides since this incident and is changing his life around.

He deserves credit for his plea of guilty.”

Bullshit! He deserves to be put away for a long time and banned from driving permanently.

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