“Grow Your Own Drugs”

Just watching Breakfast News on the BBC and I was taken aback to see ” Grow Your Own Drugs ” on the rear-screen displays behind the presenters and some guy they’re interviewing (big grin, looks like a Blue Peter presenter).

It’s a very unfortunate tagline for a new BBC programme about plants you can grow at home which have medicinal properties.

Listening to the last part of it, the show is likely to be a thinly disguised ‘alternative medicine’ love-in, because he’s going on about aromatherapy ingredients at the moment. And I can’t see the Beeb showing people how to make Aspirin from Willow Tree bark.

The BBC site confirms it will be extremely lightweight, and witters on about making ‘some pampering beauty treatments ‘. But from the dumbing-down specialists, what would you expect?

EDIT 3/3/2009 – And so it was lightweight. Facepacks, the astounding news that Figs and Senna ‘make you regular’, the repeated comment that this berry or than root ‘is thought to be good for’ something or other, and so on.

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